Warhammer is a tabletop wargame that immerses players in a grim and fantastical world of constant conflict. With its rich lore and intricate miniatures, Warhammer offers a unique blend of strategic gameplay and creative expression. Players command armies of intricately detailed miniatures, each with its own unique abilities and characteristics, engaging in epic battles across a variety of immersive landscapes. The game's depth and complexity allow for endless tactical possibilities, making each battle a dynamic and engaging experience. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the world of tabletop gaming, Warhammer provides a captivating and rewarding hobby that combines strategic thinking, artistic skill, and a passion for storytelling.
Designed to offer long-range support, the XV88 Broadside Battlesuit has exceeded expectations, becoming a mainstay of the Hunter Cadres and tank-killers of legendary proportions. Powered by a particle accelerator, a...
Stealth Battlesuits are relatively lightweight and specialised to their role within the T'au Empire's Hunter Cadres. Instead of simply protecting their pilot with layers of armour, they conceal them behind...
Light reconnaissance units, Pathfinder Teams are the eyes and ears of their Commander in a way no drone can yet emulate. A Pathfinder's foremost role is not to engage the...
Small and agile compared to their lumbering kin, Armiger-class Knights are still war machines of incredible power. Piloted by young squires or lowborn pilots, Armigers act as mobile support and...
The Knight Questoris is the most prominent variety of Knight Armour on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, striding forth alongside the Legiones Astartes, Taghmata Omnissiah, and in the great...
Among the majority of the Orders Militant it takes long years to advance to the respected ranks of the Retributor Squads. The Sisters that comprise these warrior bands are amongst...
Battle Sisters make up the vast majority of the forces of the Adepta Sororitas Orders Militant, gunning down heretic, xenos, and traitor alike with their holy trinity of weaponry –...
Hive Tyrants enact the Hive Mind's will on the battlefield, as the massive commanders of the Tyranid swarm. Powerful warrior organisms in their own right, each Hive Tyrant is also...
Gretchin mobs make up for their shocking lack of quality with sheer quantity. The natural cowardice and feeble-limbed incompetence of the Gretchin race does not predispose them to the arts...
Boyz are the rank and file of an Ork army. Orks are tough, determined fighters who fall upon the enemy in great tides of howling violence. Generally armed with the...
The Destroyer Cults think nothing of sacrificing their physical forms to optimise themselves for slaughter. Lokhust Heavy Destroyers skim to battle upon repulsor-sled bodies, their upper limbs bound into gauss...
As the shock troops of the Necron army, a phalanx of Immortals will strive for victory using every tactic at their disposal. They can easily withstand a hail of heavy...
Dedicated marksmen, Eliminators haunt the shadows of the battlefield, seeking out targets of opportunity and bringing them down with pinpoint volleys of fire. Then, these silent assassins slip away looking...
Redemptor Dreadnoughts are giant war machines that crush bone and splinter skulls as they bludgeon through enemy ranks. Taller, broader and more cunningly wrought than the Dreadnoughts of traditional design,...
A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of...
Bladeguard Veterans are inexorable warriors, advancing relentlessly with blades held high – the very image of noble knights of myth. Members of their Chapter’s elite 1st Company Veterans, each of...