Imperial Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons, employed by noble houses of the lmperium. They can lay waste to entire enemy armies, particularly when they come...
Infernus Marines are close assault specialists, sending jets of burning promethium into enemy trench lines and bunkers with their pyreblasters, ensuring no foe escapes their fiery wrath. This box is...
Spiritseer Kygharil guides their small band of determined Aeldari through the Webway to defend their craftworld's hidden gateways and ancient, precious ruins. Lightning-fast Dire Avengers make up the bulk of...
The Emperor's Children worship the Chaos God Slaanesh and give indulgent praise to their fell deity with every ostentatious conquest. With fusillades of explosive bolts, waves of sonic force, and...
The T'au Empire is amongst the most dynamic and determined powers in the 41st Millennium. Their technology is advanced and ever-improving, from grav-skimming gunships and artificial intelligence, to potent energy...
Where the Adepta Sororitas tread, the light of the Emperor shines. They are the armed wing of the Imperial faith, defending its cathedrums, chapels, and holy shrines from the heretic,...
Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools...
Harnessing the energies of forge worlds within their curious weaponry, the Rangers of the Skitarii are implacable and relentless hunter-killers. For them, an engagement is not over until their enemy...
Swift and deadly, T'au Commanders pilot battlesuits of intimidating size and power. Of course, simply piloting a huge battlesuit doesn't automatically make a troop into a Commander - more than...
Designed to offer long-range support, the XV88 Broadside Battlesuit has exceeded expectations, becoming a mainstay of the Hunter Cadres and tank-killers of legendary proportions. Powered by a particle accelerator, a...
Stealth Battlesuits are relatively lightweight and specialised to their role within the T'au Empire's Hunter Cadres. Instead of simply protecting their pilot with layers of armour, they conceal them behind...
Light reconnaissance units, Pathfinder Teams are the eyes and ears of their Commander in a way no drone can yet emulate. A Pathfinder's foremost role is not to engage the...
Small and agile compared to their lumbering kin, Armiger-class Knights are still war machines of incredible power. Piloted by young squires or lowborn pilots, Armigers act as mobile support and...
The Knight Questoris is the most prominent variety of Knight Armour on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, striding forth alongside the Legiones Astartes, Taghmata Omnissiah, and in the great...
Among the majority of the Orders Militant it takes long years to advance to the respected ranks of the Retributor Squads. The Sisters that comprise these warrior bands are amongst...
Battle Sisters make up the vast majority of the forces of the Adepta Sororitas Orders Militant, gunning down heretic, xenos, and traitor alike with their holy trinity of weaponry –...