Imperial Knights are colossal suits of armour bristling with heavy weapons, employed by noble houses of the lmperium. They can lay waste to entire enemy armies, particularly when they come...
Infernus Marines are close assault specialists, sending jets of burning promethium into enemy trench lines and bunkers with their pyreblasters, ensuring no foe escapes their fiery wrath. This box is...
The rotting bowels of the Great Unclean Ones swell with pus and contagion, and within each such swelling there grows a tiny and malevolent Daemon called a Nurgling. As the...
Deadwalker Zombies are created from the bodies of the recently dead, given strength through the power of dark necromancy and sent onto the battlefield in shambling hordes. Utterly mindless and...
Warpspark Weapon Batteries are members of the Clans Skryre, who often go to war unnoticed among hordes of slavering Clanrats. When the time is right, they reveal themselves, unleashing their...
Daemon Princes were once mortal champions of Chaos, elevated to eternal daemonhood as a coveted reward from their mercurial patrons. Each of these corrupt monstrosities is a walking testament to...
Spiritseer Kygharil guides their small band of determined Aeldari through the Webway to defend their craftworld's hidden gateways and ancient, precious ruins. Lightning-fast Dire Avengers make up the bulk of...
The Emperor's Children worship the Chaos God Slaanesh and give indulgent praise to their fell deity with every ostentatious conquest. With fusillades of explosive bolts, waves of sonic force, and...
White Dwarf is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can...
Aggressive and bold, there is no foe the Fulminators dare not charge. A surge of celestial energy builds before the ground-shaking impetus of their onset, a crackling war-cloud that travels...
Orruk Ardboyz plough into the fray with a mad bellow and the clatter of heavy pig-iron plate. These mobs of ferocious, battle-scarred fighters smash their way through the enemy's ranks...
Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the...
Moonclan Stabbas form ragged ranks that advance upon the foe with gongs clanging and banners waving. Eyes bulging with the madness of the Gloomspite, they pour over the enemy lines...