Sebastian the crab serves as King Triton's advisor and is often tasked with watching over the king's youngest daughter, Princess Ariel. This Jim Shore creation captures the crab's compassionate personality...
Lucifer the cat is Lady Tremaine's evil sidekick. With a wicked personality, Lucifer is cruel to Cinderella and her mice friends. This Jim Shore design features the cat's signature sneer...
Wearing a Hawaiian shirt and flower lei Disney's favorite alien celebrates the 20th anniversary of Lilo & Stitch. Sipping from a coconut drink with a flower umbrella, Stitch has made...
Celebrating the 35th anniversary of The Little Mermaid, this absorbing Jim Shore design brings the beloved story to life with exciting color and craftsmanship. Within the pages of a book,...
Take home the dynamic duo, Lilo and Stitch, in accurate and stunning detail. This handcrafted stone resin figurine shows Lilo giving her new little buddy a wholehearted hug, reminding us...
Sarcastic and cynical, Hades, the god of the underworld, poses powerfully in this impressive bust by Jim Shore. Forever groveling at his feet, his henchmen, Pain and Panic, dance in...