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ESU 59820 LokPilot 5 Micro DCC-Only Control-Only Decoder NEM652 8-Pin Interface N Scale NIB
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  • SKU: ESU59820
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ESU 59820 LokPilot 5 Micro DCC-Only Control-Only Decoder NEM652 8-Pin Interface N Scale NIB

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ESU 59820 LokPilot 5 Micro DCC-Only Control-Only Decoder NEM652 8-Pin Interface N Scale NIB

LokPilot 5 Micro DCC-Only Control-Only Decoder by ESU is a great choice for N and TT Scale locomotive models. LokPilot 5 DCC-Only supports DCC and will NOT support operation on analog AC systems. It offers a choice of 14 through to 128 speed steps, two and four-digit addresses in DCC format and up to 32 functions. On RailComPlus(R) systems the decoders register themselves automatically on command stations equipped with the feature. This decoder is dual-mode and can operate on standard DC railroads. The LokPilot 5 Micro DCC-Only Control-Only Decoder has a footprint of only 5/16 x 9/32" 8.0 x 7.0mm and a thickness of only 3/32" 2.4mm (on the capacitor:1/8" 2.9mm). PluX16 and Next18 interface versions are slightly larger at 1/2 x 3/8" 13 x 9.2mm.

This decoder supports all DCC programming modes and thanks to RailCom you may read out the CV values on the main, provided you have a command station supporting RailCom. There are utility registers for command stations that only facilitate programming of CVs ranging from 1 to 255.

The variants with 6-pin or 8-pin wiring harness offer 4 amplified function outputs with 180mA output current each as well as two logic level outputs for servos or Susi. The versions with Next18 or PluX16 interface have a total of 6 amplified outputs and two logic level outputs. All important lighting functions are available. The brightness of each output can be set separately. The decoder supports automatic push and pull movements required for reliable operation of digital couplers.

Motor control of the LokPilot has a variable PWM pulse frequency ranging from 10 to 50kHz for perfectly silent operation, even with coreless motors. Load control can be adjusted with up to 10 separate CVs, and Auto Tune function facilitates automatic calibration of the decoder to match the motor. The LokSound 5 micro decoder supplies sufficient motor current (up to .75A) for the intended applications. A PowerPack can be connected to the LokPilot 5 to bridge dirty rail sections.

LokPilot 5 Micro is part of the line of ESU LokSound decoders.

Additional Information:

PLU: ESU59820