The Shredder lives! After suffering defeat at the hands of the turtles, the leader of the Foot Clan plots his revenge. Desperate to vanquish his foes, Shredder consumes the last...
Azrael ascends from the pages of Batman: Curse of the White Knight! Entertainment Earth Exclusive action figure with sketch deco! Armed with flaming sword. Line-art card with numbered certificate of authenticity included....
While Sheriff Brackett and Dr. Loomis hunt for Michael Myers, a traumatized Laurie is rushed to hospital, and the serial killer is not far behind her. The nightmare isn’t over!...
From Rob Zombie’s The Munsters, NECA introduces Lily Gruesella-Munster as an Ultimate action figure! After a failed date with a familiar face, Lily discovers comedian sensation Herman Munster, and it’s love...
The Sinclairs are your average family with one BIG difference… they’re talking dinosaurs living in the year 60,000,003 BC! Jim Henson’s creatures for Dinosaurs made this early 1990s show a comedy hit...
Break out the garlic! This 8-inch head knocker is a faithful rendering of the immortal vampire from the landmark film Dracula! He stands on a thematic base and comes packaged in a...
Cowabunga, dude!Bring home some radical head-bobblin' action from the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. The bad boy of the group, Raphael wields sarcasm and his twin sai with equal skill. On...
Cowabunga, dude!Bring home some radical head-bobblin' action from the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. You'd normally find the easygoing Michelangelo deep in the sewers, almost singlehandedly keeping the local pizza parlors...
Cowabunga, dude!Bring home some radical head-bobblin' action from the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Leonardo, the courageous leader of the Ninja Turtles, puts up a cool front, but this hero in...
Cowabunga, dude!Bring home some radical head-bobblin' action from the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Donatello is the Turtles' resident inventor and techno-genius, but make no mistake — he's world-class with the...
It’s Eddie, Iron Maiden’s legendary mascot, as he appears on The Number of the Beast album and single covers! Celebrate the 40th anniversary of this metal masterpiece with this 7″...
Celebrate Freddie Mercury, one of the most distinctive and powerful voices in rock music, with this 7" scale action figure! The legendary Queen vocalist wears his iconic yellow jacket from...
“Ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Morons!” No one is more impressed by the intellect of Vizzini than Vizzini himself! This 3.75” scale articulated The Princess Bride ReAction Figure of Vizzini features...
Can Princess Buttercup thwart Prince Humperdinck’s plans to marry her long enough for her true love Westley to come to her rescue? This 3.75” scale articulated The Princess Bride ReAction Figure of...